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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

30th Anniversary of Trado...

Grabbing the Opportunity In 1984, Jochen Hummel and Iko Knyphausen registered TRADOS GmbH ...

What I Wish I Knew About ...

I am now VP of Marketing at Andovar, but I worked as a Business Development Manager before...

The Past and the Future o...

One of the definitions of eLearning is: “The use of technology in learning and education.”...

What is HTML5 and What Do...

For the last 18 months or so there’s been a steadily increasing hum around HTML5 and it’s ...

Challenges of Localizatio...

My article about Burmese language has been published by the industry magazine MultiLingual...

Andovar Launches Localiza...

In what is already being called a “revolution in communication,” and “a game-changing deve...

Andovar Game Localization...

Andovar is proud to announce the launch of a specialized division and a new website devote...

Efficiently Localizing Dr...

With the long-overdue passing of Joomla, Drupal has become the ascendant open-source CMS a...

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