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The Ultimate Guide to Gam...

Welcome to our games translation ultimate guide! The mystifying world of video game creati...

15 Most Common Video Game...

For all its storied history and recognition, video game localization does have plenty of d...

Games trends to watch out...

The gaming industry is constantly evolving and expanding, with new technologies and trends...

7 Spectacular 2022 Games ...

First things first — 2021 was a tremendous year for the gaming industry, and that's saying...

Part 6: Technologies (Gam...

Part 6: Technologies The majority of game localization service providers employ localizati...

Part 1: Pre-production (G...

Part 1: Pre-production Complete all pre-production tasks Before you launch your game local...

Game Translation and Loca...

Introduction The Chinese game market is large and lucrative for those with the right produ...

Top Jaw-Dropping Trends o...

Thailand's gaming industry is booming! In fact, the country's robust gaming community of a...

Transcreation for Video G...

Video games were once considered a pastime for children and, later, young adults. But now,...

Global Games Market: Brie...

Analysts at NewZoo report that the global games market is expected to generate $175.8 bill...

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