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Open Standards for Locali...

In the vast expanse of globalization, content acts as a unifier, bridging the gaps between...

AI - is the translation i...

The Translator's New Frontier: Navigating the AI Revolution in the Language Industry In th...

Games trends to watch out...

The gaming industry is constantly evolving and expanding, with new technologies and trends...

Translation Industry Tren...

The language translation industry is constantly evolving as technology advances and new pl...

Top Jaw-Dropping Trends o...

Thailand's gaming industry is booming! In fact, the country's robust gaming community of a...

Translation Industry Tren...

Over the past 15 months, the pandemic has forced professionals in all industries to rethin...

Global Games Market: Brie...

Analysts at NewZoo report that the global games market is expected to generate $175.8 bill...

Why Specialized Translato...

The first translators were humans. Although artificial intelligence has made machine trans...

What Languages to Target ...

As COVID vaccinations become more prevalent and countries open up their borders, the trave...

International SEO Tips

An optimized Website is a key to successfully marketing your product or service. A Website...

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