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Best practices for creati...

Localizing your content, website or app is a crucial step in expanding your business inter...

How Localization Propels ...

Fintech firms are startups that use technology to provide financial services. They include...

Importance of Localizatio...

When starting to design a product, it is important to think about localization from the be...

The Ultimate Guide to Mac...

When you're working with a deadline and a budget, machine translation can be your best fri...

Press Release: The New An...

Welcoming you at the New Andovar Studios We are excited to announce that Andovar Studios i...

The Science of AI-Powered...

The Science of AI-Powered Language Translation: A blog post on the science behind AI-power...

Five Elements to Consider...

Expanding a business internationally can be a complicated task. One critical dimension to ...

What is Localization Test...

In our rapidly developing global marketplace, the need for seemingly bespoke processes tha...

8 Costly Mistakes When Lo...

Costly Mistakes When Localizing: A blog about 8 of the common mistakes made when localizin...

Translation for Tourism &...

Tourism and hospitality translation Are you in the tourism or hospitality industry? If so,...

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