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Languages in India - How ...

There’s been a lot of buzz about Indian languages and their localization lately. Pretty mu...

What Do We Mean by Locali...

As global business enterprises become more prevalent, understanding their customers around...

What languages should you...

Today’s businesses are looking to localize their brand, product and service content in reg...

Help Consumers During Cor...

The global onset of the coronavirus and the start of the quarantine in early 2020 naturall...

5 Things You Should Know ...

The Latin American region is a fascinating part of the world, full of cultures and traditi...

Avoid another Pokemon pro...

Juliet famously said to Romeo, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other n...

Journey to the West (西游记)...

[An edited version of this article first appeared in the Oct/Nov 2015 issue of the journal...

Challenges of Localizatio...

My article about Burmese language has been published by the industry magazine MultiLingual...

Is Español a Localization...

Did you know that Spanish is the official language of 21 different countries? It is also t...

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