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Russell Winterbotham

Russell Winterbotham

Russell joined Andovar as the APAC Business Development Manager soon after the company’s founding in 2007. During that time he has been a driving force in sales growth. Russell now heads up Enterprise Sales division of Andovar. In addition to developing new business, Russell’s role includes overseeing global sales activities, strengthening relations with existing and prospective clients as well as training of new Business Development staff.

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Posts by Russell Winterbotham

Feeling the Pain

As companies begin to work beyond their own national borders, there comes a time when the ...

The World isn't Flat!

A client recently asked why translation costs are different between a range of languages w...

You Paid How Much…?!!

At Andovar, we’re often shocked to learn what some clients are paying for localization wit...

Andovar vs. IVRS – the Pe...

Whether you own the latest Apple, Samsung or other smart-phone, you'll have noticed the mo...

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