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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

The Secrets to Successful...

Delivering multilingual content to students, employees and others in remote locations is e...

The Ultimate Guide to Web...

Ideal translation of a website requires a team of skilled professionals with maximum profi...

A Beginner's Guide to Vid...

Videos in digital marketing are the most persuasive tool to engage consumers and can attra...

Five Industries which Mas...

While globalization has made it easier than ever for companies to publish and sell interna...

The Evolution of the Inte...

Technology has come a long way since the days of box Apple computers and floppy discs. Wit...

Five Ways to Make Your Lo...

By now you've heard us talk extensively about finding the right localization partner. Bein...

A Beginner's Guide to Add...

While it's undoubtedly true that closed captions can be an integral part of your video loc...

The Top Five Facts About ...

As anyone who has used a free translation program like Google Translate can tell you, lang...

8 Pro Tips for Smoother e...

In an age of internationally active organizations and rapidly growing multicultural commun...

Machine Translation: Brea...

Machine Translation and the use of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Language ...

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