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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

4 Tricks for Recording wi...

Over the last several years, digital technology has made creating content not only more af...

What languages should you...

Today’s businesses are looking to localize their brand, product and service content in reg...

How to Enhance the Qualit...

E-learning plays an integral role in many organizations’ skills development programs. This...

Localizing Games for Sout...

Southeast Asia is undoubtedly home to a growing number of passionate gamers looking for su...

The Game Tech Ecosystem

Gaming is a booming industry, increasing about 7 percent year-on-year for the past several...

Captions & Subtitles Expl...

The overlapping purposes of closed captions and subtitles have a direct bearing on the aud...

What is a Translation Man...

Translation management systems or TMS as they are better known, help streamline the work o...

eLearning Trends for 2021

eLearning exploded in 2020, with 98 percent of companies employing some type of etraining....

3 Reasons Why AI Needs Hu...

Artificial intelligence may have started with Alan Turing's speculations on intelligent ma...

The Secrets to Successful...

Delivering multilingual content to students, employees and others in remote locations is e...

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