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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

5 questions to ask yourse...

A recent survey of 8,709 customers in 29 countries found that 76 percent prefer to buy pro...

Leveraging Machine Transl...

Machine translation (MT) has become a part of life; Google Translate, for example, boasts ...

International SEO Tips

An optimized Website is a key to successfully marketing your product or service. A Website...

Managing Machine Translat...

Machine translation (MT) often can save you money over exclusively human translation becau...

Writing for Translation

Suppose your company's board of directors meets. You are considering undertaking a new pro...

Top 5 WordPress Translati...

More websites (39.5% according to SearchEngineJournal) use WordPress than any other platfo...

The Netflix Effect: A New...

Netflix is a trailblazer when it comes to pushing the quality of subtitles, dubbing and cl...

Localization Maturity Mod...

Localization Maturity Model or LMM assesses where your company stands in terms of matching...

Choosing a Multilingual C...

A content management system (CMS) allows for the creation and modification of digital cont...

What is localization and ...

Brands want to adapt their content to another language for marketing campaigns overseas or...

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