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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

Travel Special: Training ...

Does your travel company have a global presence? Hotels, airlines and tour companies can g...

AI and Automated Voices: ...

Artificial intelligence and automated voices are progressing more rapidly now than ever. V...

MT has improved while you...

COVID's impact on the travel industry last year was devastating. This year, however, leisu...

Translation Management fo...

Approximately 62% of travelers consume content, primarily videos, posted by tour operators...

Travel trends and the eff...

After more than a year of dealing with travel restrictions, lockdowns and other factors re...

Triaging content for the ...

The travel industry is set for a post-COVID bounce.

What Languages to Target ...

As COVID vaccinations become more prevalent and countries open up their borders, the trave...

Machine Translation post-...

Machines are becoming more accurate at translations, but they still aren't on par with tra...

International keyword res...

Any digital marketing campaign requires research into the most effective keywords so that ...

7 steps for successful MT...

Machines can translate copy quickly and with increasing accuracy. An efficient and accurat...

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