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Written by Steven Bussey
on June 10, 2021

Approximately 62% of travelers consume content, primarily videos, posted by tour operators, hotels, and airlines.

However, it’s not as easy as posting your content in English. People want to see and hear information in their native language. Sure, you could link your page to Google translator and call it a day. At Andovar, we think there’s a better way. How can you make this happen? We’re glad you asked.

Andovar provides airlines, car rental companies, hotels, resorts, theme parks and tour guides with a wide variety of translation services. From voiceovers to content localization for websites, apps and video, we can help you build your customer base. Localization allows you to quickly shift your focus to emerging countries such as China, where millions of people are planning to travel thanks to the acceleration of vaccines and the softening of travel bans in Europe and other destinations.

To keep the doors of communication open, it’s important to partner with a translation service that utilizes the latest technology. Learn about the advantages of a translation management system or TMS and how Andovar can put this technology to work for your travel-related business.

What Is a Translation Management System?

A translation management system can streamline workflows and integrate your content sources such as:

  • Marketing platforms
  • Content repositories
  • Content management systems
  • Other sources of original content and translations

At Andovar, we use Memsource, a powerful TMS that supports the automation of your translation efforts. It’s designed to facilitate localization, reduce the human capital needed to produce flawless translations and make it easy to track your translation projects.

Memsource uses cloud technology to connect translators, content providers, client reviewers and key stakeholders from around the globe. Ideal for global online travel agencies, hotel management companies, booking platforms and other app providers integral to the travel industry, TMS keeps everything organized and integrated, enabling organizations to deliver synchronized and consistent brand message.

After you implement a TMS, you can automate repetitive tasks such as moving content between repositories to marketing platforms, content management systems (CMS) and translation teams. You can also get the content to vendors and partners much faster.

Components of an Effective TMS

There are three components to a translation management system:

  • Computer Assisted Translation
  • Workflow automation
  • Project management

Let’s take a look at how these tools work to provide powerful translation services that resonate with travelers.

  • CAT tools improve the quality and speed of translations and include:
  • Translation memory – This database includes segments of text or sentences and the preferred translations. This allows travel operators to optimize content for localization and consistency.
  • Term base (Glossary) – The term base is crucial to establishing preferred terminology in the travel industry as well as its various niches. It ensures that included words are always translated in the same way across various languages.
  • Machine translation – Machine Translation enables companies to translate high-volume content and lower value content they wouldn't otherwise have the budget to translate. Google Translate, DeepL and Microsoft Translator are all examples of machine translation tools that integrate with Memsource. Another great example, Language Studio, provides engines specifically trained for the travel industry. These platforms automatically translate content into over 600 languages pairs. MT provides a great starting point for content translation. When paired with human post-editing, MT can bring the content up to human standard at a reduced cost.

How Can a TMS Improve Your Company Localization?

There's a phenomenon known as “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy” which developed from the results of many surveys regarding how users want to consume their information. Even though billions of people speak multiple languages, when it comes to travel and leisure research, many travelers prefer content available in their native languages.

A translation management system can help simplify your localization efforts as well as improve collaboration and ensure translation quality. If you're ready to increase productivity and lower localization costs, schedule a demo with Andovar today.

Improve Collaboration

Sending emails and spreadsheets between translators, reviewers, partners and other parties quickly becomes a headache. With a TMS, you can provide access to a central repository where team members can collaborate and move through workflows quickly.

Scale Projects Quickly

The Andovar TMS has over 200 language bases, making it easy to roll out translations to all your target markets. It also helps get your content into the hands of translators and reviewers quickly.

You can lower the cost of localization by leveraging translation memory to improve the accuracy of translations. This is a great way to speed up the rollout of translations to websites and Android or iOS apps.

Machine translation is ideal for high-volume structured content, such as hotel reviews and FAQs, or less critical content, such as user-generated content and internal communications. When paired with human post-editing (MTPE), this step brings the content to a human standard. Inside Memsource any number of workflows can be set up to include Machine Translation and multi-step translation, editing and proofreading or translation for mission-critical marketing content.

Whichever option you choose, a TMS significantly reduces the time and cost required to roll out new content. This also impacts your time to market and allows you to react with agility when new trends emerge.

Improve the Quality of Your Translations

The translation memory and term bank features improve the quality of translations without affecting productivity, making translations from various linguists more consistent across your online content. TMS systems also include a QA checker that the text spelling and grammar mistakes and contextual errors.

What Is the Workflow Like in a TMS System?

The Andovar translation management system has an intuitive workflow that goes something like this:

  • Step 1: Upload .xliff, .xml, .csv and .json files for translation.
  • Step 2: Invite team members such as translators and proofreaders to join the project. This often includes developers and other resources working on your web portal, app or websites.
  • Step 3: Assign and track tasks.
  • Step 4: Translate and publish to multiple languages for your selected markets and regions.

Andovar TMS’ Key Features

Incorporating a TMS in your travel-related business can help you increment your international growth. At Andovar, we believe that we have the best tools, people and resources to help you fully automate your translation and localize content quickly and accurately.

Will you benefit from TMS? Contact Andovar today for access to Memsource, a leading platform for translation automation.

Contact Andovar



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