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Written by Steven Bussey
on March 09, 2021

Southeast Asia is undoubtedly home to a growing number of passionate gamers looking for superior in-game experiences. Some of the countries in this region include the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam, and East Timor. Between 2013 and 2017, the market grew by 30 percent in terms of in-game revenues.

Game Translation - VR

It is no surprise that more publishers are working tirelessly to cater to local gamers’ needs by localizing popular games. Estimates show that the number of online gamers in the region is likely to reach 250 million by the end of 2021. Publishers earn the highest revenues in countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines.




Growing young population

Southeast Asian countries have a large population of youths reaching working age. This scenario makes the region a lucrative market for the online gaming industry. In addition, urbanization is a positive factor contributing to increased internet access necessary to play online games. Network connections in the countryside are generally slower than in metropolitan areas.

Game Translation

On the other hand, urbanization often translates to higher incomes, increasing the number of young people with greater buying power. The best part about the gamers in the region is that they are ready to spend on quality online games.


Impact of game localizationGame Translation - Mobile

Although many folks in Southeast Asia have good English literacy, up to 76 percent of people prefer localized product information. Localization yields considerable benefits for brands, including game publishers. The approach enables publishers to expand market share and grow revenue in the region.

By introducing games in English to the Southeast Asian market, game publishers limit their ability to grow the market share. Locals are undoubtedly getting accustomed to localized games. Hence, publishers releasing games in local languages find it easier to stand out in a competitive market.

Additional benefits of localization include achieving higher ratings, improving the in-game experience, and creating local themes easier. Gamers can impact download rates through game ranking. By failing to translate games to local languages, publishers may attract lower ratings or negative reviews, undermining the overall market share.

Game Translation - Mobile

User experience is a critical factor in gaining a competitive advantage in the online gaming industry. Flawless localization enriches gamers’ experience as they get immersed in the storyline. Leading multilingual content solution providers like Andovar have the technical expertise to produce an immersive game storyline in Southeast Asian languages. The company boasts extensive localization experience in the region.




Successful game localization in Southeast Asia

Game Translation

To achieve success in Asia, you need to address crucial game elements, such as the storyline, technical elements, and marketing localization. Optimize these elements to fit the local languages and culture. Neglecting the cultural aspect undermines the quality of the gamers’ experience.

The best way to handle these tasks is to enlist the services of experienced localization agencies like Andovar. Our agency has offices in Singapore and Thailand, which is beneficial when localizing for the Southeast Asia market. You can count on the agency to deliver results, thanks to years in Asia and other regions globally.

Storyline elements

A well-translated storyline keeps gamers engaged. With the help of a reputable localization company, you translate story elements accurately. The best agencies provide access to game translators who understand target languages, local cultures, and the ‘language of gaming’ or gamers’ speak.

Play Game Activitiy 01An in-depth understanding of lexical terms enhances the quality of localization work. General translators lack the critical insights to take your game localization project to the next level.

With the right team, it becomes easier to translate story elements like character names, weapons, and location names. This process requires a realistic game script. Locals can find the game engaging if the names fit with the script.

Localizing technical elements

This stage involves localizing units of measurement, date formats, and times to ensure a seamless gaming experience. Andovar employs a professional localization team capable of producing flawless outcomes. As a result, Southeast Asian gamers will not miss any details.

Although most games come with limited user interface space, you can count on professional translators to adapt the localization to meet specific needs. In many cases, translators adapt abbreviations or skip elements with well-known terms. Doing so helps translators resolve UI space issues.

Handling marketing elements

Many game publishers overlook game marketing localization. To increase the appeal of games, it is vital to localize marketing materials. Skipping this step compromises the ability to induce a connection between the target audience and the marketing message. This misstep translates to wasted money and time.

225-Internet Marketing

Depending on your marketing goals, you can achieve the desired results by localizing advertisements and graphic design elements. However, you may need to implement a new monetization strategy to suit the target audience. Gamers in some countries and regions have unique in-game spending habits.




Game localization testing for Southeast Asia market

Successful localization requires thorough testing, which reveals any shortcomings that need urgent attention. When handled correctly, your game is more likely to thrive in a competitive market like Southeast Asia. With Andovar’s localization experts' help, you can make your game feel and look like a local product.

By meeting the target audience's expectations, Southeast Asian gamers are more likely to reward you with rave reviews and increased revenues. Hence, the need to test the user interface thoroughly, check the content for grammar problems and other issues. Technical elements like date and time formats also require attention during the testing phase.

Game Translation

Many publishers fumble the game launch in regions like Southeast Asia because they start with a soft launch to test the game. This approach does not yield the desired results because developers struggle with deadlines. In many cases, they fail to enroll the right testers and face a race against time to adapt the game to local languages and cultures.

Thankfully, you can resolve this issue by partnering with localization experts based in the region. By doing so, you tap into local game localization expertise and find the right testers to ensure you meet launch deadlines for your game in Southeast Asia. Andovar is a multilingual solutions provider with offices in Thailand and Singapore. The agency can help you launch your game successfully in the region.

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