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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

Part 8: Challenges (Games...

Part 8: Challenges Game localization is a highly complex project. There's research, planni...

Part 7: Best Practices (G...

Part 7: Best Practices Succeeding in the current global gaming market means successfully m...

Part 5: Internationalizat...

Part 5: Internationalization To succeed in an international market, a game product must be...

Part 4: Culturalization (...

Part 4: Culturalization Across the 190+ countries of the world there are over 7 billion pe...

Part 3: Translation (Game...

Part 3: Translation Converting a game's text and dialogue from the language in which it wa...

Part 2: Localization (Gam...

Part 2: Localization The bulk of game localization involves translating, culturalizing and...

Games Localization Guide ...

Introduction The mystifying world of video game creation has a very significant but broadl...

5 Things You Should Know ...

The process of developing eLearning courses was once a much more complex undertaking than ...

What is a Content Triage?

In the world of medicine, the term "triage" is defined as "the assignment of degrees of ur...

Choosing the Right eLearn...

As the global marketplace connects in ways that were impossible for previous business gene...

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