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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

Coronavirus Spurs Global ...

The on-demand TV market has been growing aggressively over the past decade. As the Coronav...

How Much Should You Pay f...

High-quality game localization is a necessity for games to reach a wider international aud...

Why Game Localization is ...

It's little wonder that video game usage has skyrocketed since the onset of the coronaviru...

The Need for Onboarding a...

The coronavirus has greatly impacted businesses around the world, leaving them reeling in ...

Help Consumers During Cor...

The global onset of the coronavirus and the start of the quarantine in early 2020 naturall...

Andovar Opens New Mumbai ...

Andovar is proud to announce the recent opening of a new localization engineering office i...

Top Tips for Marketing Vi...

Marketing video localization is every bit an art as it is a science - meaning that you'll ...

Conclusion (Games Localiz...

Conclusion So we've now reached the final chapter of our comprehensive games localization ...

Part 10: Localization Mar...

Part 10: Localization Markets The global games localization market contains many avenues f...

Part 9: Quality Assurance...

Part 9: Quality Assurance Various quality tests to catch and correct issues, as well as to...

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