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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

Website localization: Wha...

Global village--probably not the term you might use to describe our world twenty years ago...

How Can Minimum Viable Co...

Ready to move into global markets only to realize that your website is chock-full of conte...

Website Translation Best-...

The internet is fast dominating the world as the go-to platform for information, products,...

Localization Trends and T...

Companies that adopt new technological trends are scaling business to reach new markets wo...

Maximizing Translation RO...

International business practices are constantly evolving, and with over 7,000 known langua...

5 Tips to Improve Your Lo...

Every business begins at home with a known market and target audience. Localizing your web...

The Importance of Voice O...

Video content, especially in today’s digital age, is one of the most effective ways compan...

Why Now is the Best Time ...

Use Localization to Optimize Your eLearning Content With the rise of the internet, the wor...

Three Reasons Why Banking...

It all comes down to trust. When people rely on banks to provide a safe haven for their mo...

Understanding the Nuances...

The travel industry is based on the anticipation of needs; where your company’s success is...

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