Andovar Opens New Mumbai ...
Andovar is proud to announce the recent opening of a new localization engineering office i...
Andovar is proud to announce the recent opening of a new localization engineering office i...
Marketing video localization is every bit an art as it is a science - meaning that you'll ...
Conclusion So we've now reached the final chapter of our comprehensive games localization ...
Part 10: Localization Markets The global games localization market contains many avenues f...
Part 9: Quality Assurance Various quality tests to catch and correct issues, as well as to...
Part 8: Challenges Game localization is a highly complex project. There's research, planni...
Part 7: Best Practices Succeeding in the current global gaming market means successfully m...
Part 5: Internationalization To succeed in an international market, a game product must be...
Part 4: Culturalization Across the 190+ countries of the world there are over 7 billion pe...
Part 3: Translation Converting a game's text and dialogue from the language in which it wa...
Lorem Ipsum is a simple dummy text used as a dummy text contents. Lorem ipsum will be replaced. Lorem Ipsum is a simple dummy text used as a dummy text contents. Lorem ipsum will be replaced.Lorem Ipsum is a simple dummy text used as a dummy text contents. Lorem ipsum will be replaced.