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Andovar Launches Localiza...

In what is already being called a “revolution in communication,” and “a game-changing deve...

Medellín - Most Innovativ...

Andovar is proud to congratulate Medellín on winning the award for “Most Innovative City” ...

Andovar vs. IVRS – the Pe...

Whether you own the latest Apple, Samsung or other smart-phone, you'll have noticed the mo...

Andovar Game Localization...

Andovar is proud to announce the launch of a specialized division and a new website devote...

Efficiently Localizing Dr...

With the long-overdue passing of Joomla, Drupal has become the ascendant open-source CMS a...

Machine Translation: Wher...

The rise of Google Translate has been a double-edged sword for purveyors of Machine Transl...

Andovar Relocates America...

Andovar is pleased to announce the expansion of its global operation into Medellín, Colomb...

LISA is Dead... Long Live...

The Localization Industry Standards Association (www.lisa.org) recently announced its inso...

The Lion, The Weaver and ...

How do you create a Language Technology company worth USD $20 million in eight years? Ans:...

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