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Website localization: Wha...

Global village--probably not the term you might use to describe our world twenty years ago...

5 questions to ask yourse...

According to a study by Common Sense Advisory, 75% of individuals prefer purchasing produc...

Website Localization: Aut...

In today's globalized world, website localization has become an essential part of doing bu...

International keyword res...

Any digital marketing campaign requires research into the most effective keywords so that ...

5 questions to ask yourse...

A recent survey of 8,709 customers in 29 countries found that 76 percent prefer to buy pro...

Top 5 WordPress Translati...

More websites (39.5% according to SearchEngineJournal) use WordPress than any other platfo...

Choosing a Multilingual C...

A content management system (CMS) allows for the creation and modification of digital cont...

The Ultimate Guide to Web...

Ideal translation of a website requires a team of skilled professionals with maximum profi...

The Evolution of the Inte...

Technology has come a long way since the days of box Apple computers and floppy discs. Wit...

How to Make the Perfect W...

In order to reach a broader market these days, leveraging your online presence is a necess...

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