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Steven Bussey

Steven Bussey

Steven heads up Andovar's Marketing Division as well as overseeing sales for the Broadcast Media vertical.

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Posts by Steven Bussey

Part 6: Technologies (Gam...

Part 6: Technologies The majority of game localization service providers employ localizati...

Part 1: Pre-production (G...

Part 1: Pre-production Complete all pre-production tasks Before you launch your game local...

The Importance of Localiz...

Is localization still important in the travel industry? The industry has suffered a lot du...

Andovar Exhibiting & Pres...

We are delighted to announce that we will be exhibiting at the White Label World Expo EU, ...

Andovar Elevates Translat...

Learn how QA through Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) increases accuracy, fluency, s...

Game Translation and Loca...

Introduction The Chinese game market is large and lucrative for those with the right produ...

Localization vs. Internat...

Introduction Localization, internationalization, and globalization are three strategies a ...

Top Jaw-Dropping Trends o...

Thailand's gaming industry is booming! In fact, the country's robust gaming community of a...

Transcreation for Brand S...

Transcreation is a necessary step in global branding. Transcreation goes further than tran...

Translation Industry Tren...

Over the past 15 months, the pandemic has forced professionals in all industries to rethin...

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