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Andovar Gets a New Look

To celebrate our recent growth, Andovar has decided to kick off Q2 with a brand new look.

Andovar rolls out MQM Ass...

Andovar Partners with Content Quo to deliver high-quality translation for enterprise marke...

PR - Language Service Pro...

We are proud to announce that Andovar, a global provider of multilingual content solutions...

Controlled English drives...

We're probably all familiar with the concept of Garbage in Garbage Out. The idea, which or...

10 Key Assets and Technol...

Accurate and culturally appropriate localization demands skill in both the source and targ...

Finding the Best Translat...

As of 2021, the translation market was valued at approximately $53 billion internationally...

ClickLearn X Andovar

Andovar is excited to announce its partnership with ClickLearn, the market leading solutio...

Part 6: Technologies (Gam...

Part 6: Technologies The majority of game localization service providers employ localizati...

Part 1: Pre-production (G...

Part 1: Pre-production Complete all pre-production tasks Before you launch your game local...

The Importance of Localiz...

Is localization still important in the travel industry? The industry has suffered a lot du...

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