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Text to Speech (TTS) Tech...

Have you ever used Alexa or Siri to help find information, directions or news? If you have...

3 Game Localization Lesso...

Pokémon GO took the world by storm. Over 100 million players in dozens of countries were r...

5 Things You Should Know ...

The Latin American region is a fascinating part of the world, full of cultures and traditi...

Localization Process for ...

Gaming localization is becoming more important than ever and smart publishers know that no...

How Translation Agencies ...

It’s a jungle out there. The translation/localization market is huge and getting bigger ea...

Why Now is the Time to Lo...

Southeast Asia is an area of approximately 4.5 million square kilometres, roughly half the...

What Languages to Localiz...

So, you’ve decided that localization is a good idea to reach more gamers and make more sal...

Computer-Aided Translatio...

Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) Tools are software applications that assist in translatin...


XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) is an open XML-based format standard for ...

Weighted Word Count

Weighted Word Count (WWC) is an approach to counting words for translation which presents ...

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