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Translator’s Style Guide

Translator’s style guide is a document outlining stylistic instructions for use in transla...

Translation Termbase

Translation termbase is a list of approved terms restricted to a specific subject matter p...

Translation Memory eXchan...

Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) is an open XML-based standard for exchanging translation...

Translation Memory

Translation memory is a database for storing translated content in aligned pairs of source...

Terminology Management

Terminology management is a set of activities that ensures correct terms are used consiste...

Term Base eXchange (TBX)

Term Base eXchange (TBX) is an open standard for exchanging structured terminological data...

Machine Translation

Machine Translation (MT) is a technology that automatically translates text using termbase...


Corpus (pl. corpora) is a large body of machine-readable text used for research purposes. ...

Controlled Language

Controlled language is a subset of natural language with a restricted grammar and vocabula...

Alignment of Translation

Alignment of translation means matching segments of text with their translated renditions....

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