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Written by Steven Bussey
on September 23, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Translation Quality Assurance  

In the dynamic realm of translation and localization, quality assurance (QA) is the cornerstone that ensures translated content meets the highest standards of accuracy, consistency, and cultural relevance. Whether it's a critical legal document or a brand’s marketing campaign, quality assurance is what separates ordinary translations from exceptional ones. Our Academy piece aims to delve deeply into what translation quality assurance entails, the tools and technologies involved, and the unique methodologies employed by industry leaders like ContentQuo. 


What is Quality Assurance in the Context of Translation & Localization? 

Quality Assurance (QA) in translation and localization encompasses all the processes and procedures employed to ensure that the translated content is accurate, consistent, and culturally appropriate. Unlike basic proofreading or editing, QA is an extensive process that goes through multiple layers, scrutinizing aspects such as grammar, syntax, terminology, style, and tone, while also considering context and regional nuances. 


Key Objectives of Translation Quality Assurance: 

Accuracy: Ensuring the translated content accurately reflects the source material. 

Consistency: Maintaining uniform terminology and stylistic elements across all translated content. 

Cultural Relevance: Tailoring content to be culturally appropriate for the target audience. 

Compliance: Adhering to specific guidelines, regulations, and client specifications. 


Tools Used in Translation Quality Assurance 

Modern QA processes leverage a variety of tools to streamline and enhance quality control activities. Here are some of the primary tools used: 


CAT Tools (Computer-Assisted Translation Tools): 

These tools help translators manage their work more effectively, providing features like translation memory, termbases, and quality checks. 

Popular CAT tools include Phrase, SDL Trados, MemoQ, and Wordfast, which offer built-in QA checks for consistency, terminology, and style. 


QA Automation Tools: 

These tools automatically scan translated content for errors, inconsistencies, and deviations from the set guidelines. 

Examples include Xbench, Verifika, and ApSIC Xbench. These tools help in identifying issues like untranslated segments, formatting errors, and terminology inconsistencies. 


Machine Translation Quality Estimation Tools: 

These tools evaluate the quality of machine-generated translations, highlighting potential errors for human review. 

Examples include MT Quality Estimation (MTQE) tools integrated into various TMS platforms, including our TMS, Phrase. 


Style Guides and Termbases: 

Style guides provide guidelines on tone, style, and formatting, ensuring consistency across all translations. 

Termbases maintain a repository of approved terminology, crucial for specialized fields like medical or legal translations. 


Human or Automated (Technology) or a Combination of the Two? 

The most effective QA processes utilize a hybrid model, combining human expertise with advanced automated tools. Here’s how each element contributes: 


Human Expertise: 

  • Contextual Understanding: Human translators and editors bring the ability to understand nuances, idioms, and contextual implications that automation might miss. 
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Human experts can adapt content to be culturally appropriate for the target audience. 
  • Subject Matter Expertise: Specialized translators possess the domain knowledge needed for fields like medical, legal, or technical translations. 

Automated Tools: 

  • Efficiency: Automated tools speed up the QA process by quickly identifying blatant errors and inconsistencies. 
  • Consistency: Tools ensure uniformity across large volumes of content, adhering to established style guides and termbases. 
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Automation reduces the time and resources needed for the initial rounds of quality checks. 


The Hybrid Model: 

By combining the strengths of both human and automated QA, we can achieve superior translation quality. Initial automated checks can identify obvious issues, which are then reviewed and refined by human experts to ensure contextual and cultural accuracy. 


ContentQuo’s Framework: MQM-DFQ 

A stellar example of an integrated, robust QA system is ContentQuo’s framework, which leverages the MQM-DFQ (Multidimensional Quality Metrics - Dynamic Quality Framework). This section will detail its features and how it impacts translation QA. 


What is MQM-DFQ? 

MQM (Multidimensional Quality Metrics) is an industry-standard framework designed to assess translation quality across various dimensions. DFQ (Dynamic Quality Framework) is an extension that adds flexibility, allowing quality metrics to adapt dynamically based on specific project needs. Together, MQM-DFQ provides a comprehensive approach to evaluate and ensure translation quality. 


Key Features of ContentQuo’s MQM-DFQ Framework: 

  • Customizable Quality Metrics: 
    MQM-DFQ allows for the customization of quality metrics based on project-specific requirements. Whether the focus is on technical accuracy or marketing flair, the framework adapts to the project’s unique needs. 
  • Error Typology: 
    Comprehensive error typology categorizes errors into granular types such as grammar, terminology, accuracy, fluency, and formatting. This allows for pinpointing specific issues and addressing them effectively. 
  • Quality Assessment and Scoring: 
    Provides a detailed scoring system that evaluates translations across multiple dimensions. This multifaceted assessment ensures a holistic view of translation quality. 
  • Dynamic Adjustment: 
    The DFQ aspect allows these metrics to adapt in real-time based on ongoing quality assessments, making the QA process more agile and responsive to changes. 
  • Reviewer Collaboration: 
    Supports collaborative review processes, enabling multiple reviewers to annotate and comment on translations. This collaborative approach ensures that quality assessments are comprehensive and well-rounded. 
  • In-depth Reporting: 
    Offers extensive reporting features that provide insights into translation quality, identifying trends, recurring issues, and areas for improvement. This data-driven approach helps in continuously refining the QA process. 


How Andovar Utilizes ContentQuo’s MQM-DFQ 

At Andovar, we harness the power of ContentQuo’s MQM-DFQ framework to elevate our translation QA processes: 

  • Initial Quality Checks: 
    Automated tools powered by MQM metrics perform an initial scan to identify apparent issues.
  • Error Categorization: 
    Errors are categorized into specific types, making it easier for human reviewers to address particular issues.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: 
    Based on ongoing assessments, the quality metrics are dynamically adjusted to better align with project-specific needs. 
  • Collaborative Reviews: 
    Human reviewers collaborate, providing annotations and comments within the MQM-DFQ framework, ensuring a comprehensive quality check.
  • Consistent Refinement: 
    In-depth reporting and trend analysis allow us to continuously improve our QA processes, ensuring we consistently deliver high-quality translations. 



Quality Assurance in translation and localization is a multifaceted, dynamic process that combines human expertise with advanced automated tools. Utilizing robust frameworks like ContentQuo’s MQM-DFQ, Andovar ensures that every translation meets the highest standards of accuracy, consistency, and cultural relevance. By continuously refining our processes and leveraging the best of both human and automated QA methods, we stand committed to delivering exceptional translation quality to our clients. 



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Understanding these processes and frameworks is crucial for anyone in the localization industry. With Andovar Academy, we aim to provide in-depth insights and knowledge, empowering you to excel in your role and contribute to delivering world-class translations. 

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