Term Base eXchange (TBX)
Term Base eXchange (TBX) is an open standard for exchanging structured terminological data...
Term Base eXchange (TBX) is an open standard for exchanging structured terminological data...
Machine Translation (MT) is a technology that automatically translates text using termbase...
Corpus (pl. corpora) is a large body of machine-readable text used for research purposes. ...
Controlled language is a subset of natural language with a restricted grammar and vocabula...
Alignment of translation means matching segments of text with their translated renditions....
We’ve got a whole new look – and some exciting changes to share too! As well as updating o...
It's hard to believe that it's been barely over a decade since Steve Jobs first walked acr...
Digital technologies are set to revolutionize the translation and localization industries ...
When you have decided it is time for your company to go global, ensuring an all-encompassi...
As more companies move into the global market, translation of content is becoming increasi...
Lorem Ipsum is a simple dummy text used as a dummy text contents. Lorem ipsum will be replaced. Lorem Ipsum is a simple dummy text used as a dummy text contents. Lorem ipsum will be replaced.Lorem Ipsum is a simple dummy text used as a dummy text contents. Lorem ipsum will be replaced.