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3 Reasons Why AI Needs Hu...

Artificial intelligence may have started with Alan Turing's speculations on intelligent ma...

Emerging Localization Tre...

Digital technologies are set to revolutionize the translation and localization industries ...

Steps to simplifying tran...

Expanding your website globally comes with many benefits, but managing your multilingual c...

Localization Trends and T...

Companies that adopt new technological trends are scaling business to reach new markets wo...

Language Technology and M...

In today’s world of rapidly-advancing technology, contrivances can get a little hard to fo...

What is HTML5 and What Do...

For the last 18 months or so there’s been a steadily increasing hum around HTML5 and it’s ...

Machine Translation: Wher...

The rise of Google Translate has been a double-edged sword for purveyors of Machine Transl...

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